pyphi_plots package
pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots module
Plots for pyPhi
@author: Sal Garcia <> <> Addition on Jan 20 2025 Added barplot and lineplot Addition on Apr 29 2024 Made it compatible with Bokeh 3.4.1 replacing “circle” with “scatter” Addition on Feb 24 2024 Replaced the randon number in the file names with a time string. Addition on Feb 21 2024 Added ability to make score plots with a gradient color
of nbins based on a numerical value in the classids
- Addition on Jan 18 2024 Added flag to score_scatter to include model scores in plot
replaced phi.unique -> np.unique Updated call to maptplotlib colormap to keep it compatible
Addition on Sep 26 2023 All plots are now viewable offline (e.g. in airplane mode) Addition on May 1 2023 corrected description of mb_vip Addition on Apr 25 2023 added markersize to score_scatter Addition on Apr 23 2023 also added the text_alpha flag to loadings map for PCA models Addition on Apr 22 2023 added tooltips to contribution plots and VIP
implemented multiple columns in score scatter (yay!)
- Addition on Apr 17 2023 added tpls to the supported models in all loadings, vip, r2pv
and score_scatter plots
- Addition on Apr 15 2023, made all loadings, vip, r2pv and score_scatter compatible with
lpls and jrpls models
Addition on April 9 2023, added legends and pan tools to r2pv (yay!) Addition on April 8 2023, fixed predvsobs to take MB data
- Release Nov 15 2021
Added “xgrid” flag to all plots using bar plots (loadings, weighted loadings, contributions) to add the Xgrid lines to the plot
- Release Jan 15, 2021
Added mb_blockweights plot for MBPSL models
- Release Date: March 30 2020
Fixed small syntax change for Bohek to stay compatible
Release Date: Aug 22 2019
What was done:
This header is now included to track high level changes
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.barplot(yheights, *, plotwidth=600, plotheight=600, addtitle='', xlabel='', ylabel='', xtick_labels=False, tabtitle='Bar Plot')[source]
Generic Bar plot with Bokeh
- barplot(yheights,*,plotwidth=600,plotheight=600,
addtitle=’’,xlabel=’’,ylabel=’’,xtick_labels=False,tabtitle=’Bar Plot’):
- Parameters:
yheights – Values of bars
xtick_labels – Variable identifiers for x axis
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.contributions_plot(mvmobj, X, cont_type, *, Y=False, from_obs=False, to_obs=False, lv_space=False, plotwidth=800, plotheight=600, xgrid=False)[source]
Plot contributions to diagnostics
- Args:
mvmobj : A dictionary created by phi.pls or phi.pca X/Y: Data [numpy arrays or pandas dataframes] - Y space is optional cont_type: ‘ht2’
‘spe’ ‘scores’
- to_obs: Scalar or list of scalars with observation(s) number(s)| first element is #0
OR -
Strings or list of strings with observation(s) name(s) [if X/Y are pandas data frames]
Optional Parameters:
- from_obs: Scalar or list of scalars with observation(s) number(s) | first element is #0
OR -
Strings or list of strings with observation(s) name(s) [if X/Y are pandas data frames] Used to off set calculations for scores or ht2 “False’ will calculate with respect to origin default if not sent Note: from_obs is ignored when cont_type=’spe’
lv_space: Latent spaces over which to do the calculations [applicable to ‘ht2’ and ‘scores’]
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.diagnostics(mvmobj, *, Xnew=False, Ynew=False, score_plot_xydim=False, plotwidth=600, ht2_logscale=False, spe_logscale=False)[source]
Hotelling’s T2 and SPE
- Parameters:
mvmobj – A model created with phi.pca or phi.pls
- Optional Parameters:
Xnew/Ynew: Data used to calculate diagnostics[numpy arrays or pandas dataframes]
- score_plot_xydim: will add a score scatter plot at the bottom
if sent with a list of [dimx, dimy] where dimx/dimy are integers and refer to the latent space to plot in the x and y axes of the scatter plot. e.g. [1,2] will add a t1-t2 plot
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.lineplot(X, col_name, *, plot_title='Main Title', tab_title='Tab Title', xaxis_label='X- axis', plotheight=400, plotwidth=600, linecolor='blue', linewidth=2, marker=False)[source]
Simple way to plot a column of a Pandas DataFrame with Bokeh.
- lineplot(X,col_name,*,plot_title=’Main Title’,tab_title=’Tab Title’,
xaxis_label=’X- axis’,plotheight=400,plotwidth=600, linecolor=’blue’,linewidth=2,marker=False)
- Parameters:
X – A a pandas object with Data to be plotted,first column is obs id
col_name – The list with names of the column to plot
Optional Parameters: plot_title tab_title xaxis_label yaxis_label plotheight plotwidth
Programmed by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.loadings(mvm_obj, *, plotwidth=600, xgrid=False, addtitle='', material=False, zspace=False)[source]
Column plots of loadings
- Parameters:
mvm_obj – A PCA,PLS, LPLS, JPLS or TPLS model
material – To obtain the plot for the properties of a specific material When doing this for a JRPLS or TPLS mode
zspace – If True will display the plot for the process space in a TPLS model
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.loadings_map(mvm_obj, dims, *, plotwidth=600, addtitle='', material=False, zspace=False, textalpha=0.75)[source]
Scatter plot overlaying X and Y loadings
- Parameters:
mvm_obj – A PCA,PLS, LPLS, JPLS or TPLS model
dims – Dimensions to plot in x and y axis (e.g. [1,2])
material – To obtain the plot for the properties of a specific material When doing this for a JRPLS or TPLS mode zspace: If True will display the plot for the process space in a TPLS model
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.mb_r2pb(mvmobj, *, plotwidth=600, plotheight=400)[source]
R2 for each block for Multi-block models
- Parameters:
mvmobj – A multi-block PLS model created with phi.mbpls
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.mb_vip(mvmobj, *, plotwidth=600, plotheight=400)[source]
VIP per block for Multi-block models
- Parameters:
mvmobj – A multi-block PLS model created with phi.mbpls
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.mb_weights(mvmobj, *, plotwidth=600, plotheight=400)[source]
Super weights for Multi-block models
- Parameters:
mvmobj – A multi-block PLS model created with phi.mbpls
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.plot_spectra(X, *, xaxis=False, plot_title='Main Title', tab_title='Tab Title', xaxis_label='X- axis', yaxis_label='Y- axis', linecolor='blue', linewidth=2)[source]
Simple way to plot Spectra with Bokeh.
- plot_spectra(X,*,xaxis=False,plot_title=’Main Title’,tab_title=’Tab Title’,
xaxis_label=’X- axis’,yaxis_label=’Y- axis’, linecolor=’blue’,linewidth=2)
- Parameters:
X – A numpy array or a pandas object with Spectra to be plotted
xaxis – wavenumbers or wavelengths to index the x axis of the plot * ignored if X is a pandas dataframe *
- Optional Parameters:
plot_title tab_title xaxis_label yaxis_label
Programmed by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.predvsobs(mvmobj, X, Y, *, CLASSID=False, colorby=False, x_space=False)[source]
Plot observed vs predicted values
- Args:
mvmobj: A model created with phi.pca or phi.pls X/Y: Data [numpy arrays or pandas dataframes]
- Optional Parameters:
CLASSID: Pandas Data Frame with classifiers per observation, each column is a class
colorby: one of the classes in CLASSID to color by
- x_space: = ‘False’ will skip plotting the obs. vs pred for X default
‘True’ will also plot obs vs pred for X
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.r2pv(mvm_obj, *, plotwidth=600, plotheight=400, addtitle='', material=False, zspace=False)[source]
R2 per variable per component plots
- Parameters:
mvm_obj – A model created with phi.pca or phi.pls
material – To obtain the plot for the properties of a specific material When doing this for a JRPLS or TPLS mode
zspace – If True will display the r2pv for the process space in a TPLS model
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.score_line(mvmobj, dim, *, CLASSID=False, colorby=False, Xnew=False, add_ci=False, add_labels=False, add_legend=True, plotline=True, plotwidth=600, plotheight=600)[source]
Score line plot
- Parameters:
mvmobj – PLS or PCA object from phyphi
dim – LV to plot eg “1” will plot t1 vs observation #
CLASSID – Pandas DataFrame with CLASSIDS
colorby – Category (one of the CLASSIDS) to color by
Xnew – New data for which to make the score plot this routine evaluates and plots
add_ci – When = True will add confidence intervals
add_labels – When =True will display Obs ID per point
plotwidth – When Omitted is = 600
plotline – Adds a conecting line between dots [True by default]
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.score_scatter(mvm_obj, xydim, *, CLASSID=False, colorby=False, Xnew=False, add_ci=False, add_labels=False, add_legend=True, legend_cols=1, addtitle='', plotwidth=600, plotheight=600, rscores=False, material=False, marker_size=7, nbins=False, include_model=False)[source]
Score scatter plot
- score_scatter(mvm_obj,xydim,*,CLASSID=False,colorby=False,nbins=False,Xnew=False,
add_ci=False,add_labels=False,add_legend=True,legend_cols=1, addtitle=’’,plotwidth=600,plotheight=600, rscores=False,material=False,marker_size=7,include_model=False):
- Parameters:
mvm_obj – PLS or PCA object from phyphi
xydim – LV to plot on x and y axes. eg [1,2] will plot t1 vs t2
CLASSID – Pandas DataFrame with CLASSIDS
colorby – Category (one of the CLASSIDS) to color by
Xnew – New data for which to make the score plot this routine evaluates and plots
nbins – Number of groups to use when color coding by a numeric value
add_ci – when = True will add confidence intervals
add_labels – When = True labels each point with Obs ID
add_legend – When = True will add a legend with classid labels
legend_cols – Number of columns for legend
addtitle – Additional text to be added to title
plotwidth – If omitted, width is 600
plotheight – If omitted, height is 600
rscores – Plot scores for all material space in lpls|jrpls|tpls
material – Label for specific material to plot scores for in lpls|jrpls|tpls
include_model – Will plot model scores in gray as backgrpound
by Salvador Garcia Munoz (
-, *, plotwidth=600, material=False, zspace=False, addtitle='')[source]
Very Important to the Projection (VIP) plot
- Parameters:
mvm_obj – A PLS, LPLS, JPLS or TPLS model
material – To obtain the plot for the properties of a specific material When doing this for a JRPLS or TPLS mode
zspace – If True will display the vip for the process space in a TPLS model
Garcia-Munoz (by Salvador)
( ,
mvm_obj: A model created with phi.pls
- pyphi_plots.pyphi_plots.weighted_loadings(mvm_obj, *, plotwidth=600, xgrid=False, addtitle='', material=False, zspace=False)[source]
Column plots of loadings weighted by r2x/r2y correspondingly
- Parameters:
mvm_obj – A PCA,PLS, LPLS, JPLS or TPLS model
material – To obtain the plot for the properties of a specific material When doing this for a JRPLS or TPLS mode
zspace – If True will display the plot for the process space in a TPLS model
by Salvador Garcia-Munoz ( ,